FKC0110/4 - Creative Storytelling


01.03.2023 - 10.05.2023


BFM, Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt 27, Tallinn


28 academic hours (contact study 15 hours, independent study 13 hours)

Target group

First time writers or people who work in adjacent creative fields (for example advertising, acting) who want to better understand the mechanics of creative storytelling. / Esmakordselt lookirjutajad või inimesed, kes töötavad loomevaldkondades (näiteks reklaam, näitlemine) ja kes soovivad loovate lugude jutustamise mehaanikat paremini mõista.


To get a stronger understanding of creative storytelling and be able to apply dramatic principles to writing.


The course focuses on comparative analyses of stories in order to determine what they have in common and what is needed to tell a story: plot, character, conflict, theme, premise, genre, and how to break the rules successfully. The course uses film analysis and creative exercises to help students gain an understanding of how stories work.
Course Breakdown:
Lesson one: Terminology; Plot
Lesson two: Character
Lesson three: Conflict
Lesson four: Genre, Themes and Breaking the Rules
Lesson five (after a two week break): Discussion of the participants stories and feedback.

Learning outcomes

Participants write their own story using the lesson's materials and a short analysis of which techniques they used and which they didn’t use and why. Participants will have a stronger understanding of creative storytelling and be able to apply dramatic principles to their writing.


B2 English required

learning environment

esitlustehnikaga õpperuum

Teacher's competencies

valdkonna tunnustatud ekspert

Graduation requirements

Watching short films and writing short analyses of them.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tõend


Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BA in Dramaturgy from Leeds University and MA in Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies from Tallinn University

Course price

220 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)


Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Tiiu Maar, 6199903,

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
01.03.2023 14:15-16:30 Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BFM
15.03.2023 14:15-16:30 Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BFM
12.04.2023 14:15-16:30 Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BFM
26.04.2023 14:15-16:30 Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BFM
10.05.2023 14:15-16:30 Michael Andrew Keerdo-Dawson, BFM