AYC0238/3 - Spanish A2.1

Kursus toimub teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti (24.09.-17.12.2019) kell 18.00-19.30 Tallinna Ülikoolis, ruum S-327.
Registering has ended!


24.09.2019 - 17.12.2019

Registration deadline



Tallinn, Narva mnt 29, S-327


104 academic hours (contact study 50 hours, independent study 54 hours)

Target group

Kooliõpilased, üliõpilased ja täiskasvanud õppijad.


Enhancement of language skills according to the requirements of A2.1 level.


Meeting people and relationships; shops and shopping; at the doctor's (human body); plans for holidays; life experiences; seasons and weather; places in the city; free time activities; cinema.

Learning outcomes

Can understand frequently used phrases and expressions related to everyday life; can communicate routine activities that require a simple exchange of information on familiar and common topics; can describe in simple terms aspects of one's background and surrounds; can express immediate needs; can understand simple oral and written texts; can write letters and describe situations concerning objects and people; can express personal opinions.


A1 level in Spanish - knowledge of basic vocabulary and grammar.

learning environment

Kaasaegne õpikeskond ja tänapäevased õppevahendid.

Teacher's competencies

Õpetamiskogemus koolis ja ülikoolis 10 aastat.

Graduation requirements

50 auditorial hours + 54 hours of individual work (preparation for language lessons and tests).

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Adrian Vallecillo Graziatti

Course price

320 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Väikerühm. Kursuse tasu sisaldab õppematerjale.


Training and Conference Centre, Sirle Kivihall, +372 640 9302, kivihall@tlu.ee
Training and Conference Centre, Gerdel-Gris Viil, +372 640 9360, gerdel-gris.viil@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants