AYC0204/4 - International Relations Around the World

Registering has ended!


08.02.2020 - 02.05.2020

Registration deadline



Tallinn University, Narva mnt 29


52 academic hours (contact study 25 hours, independent study 27 hours)

Target group

Gümnaasiumi ja kutsekooliõpilased, kes tunnevad huvi riikide omavaheliste suhete vastu, tahavad paremini mõista riikide suhteid rahvusvahelisel tasemel, on valmis iseseisvalt õppima, grupis töötama ning kursuse töös aktiivselt osalema


To give the students a possibility to get to know the basics of social sciences and in particular - the theoretical and practical issues of the international relations. The course below includes the European topics as well as wider issues and countries all over the world. The overall goal is – to widen the comprehension of the world and its controversies.


Estonia and the Baltic sea neighbors
Security of the Baltic States and Nordic Countries
World Security Guarantees – A State or An International Organization? The USA, NATO or Anything Else?
Multifaceted Asia: Arabic Asia, Central Asia, South-East Asia
Russia – Current Strategies and Activities in the World

Learning outcomes

Student who has finished the course:
- knows European countries and the world biggest players; and their (sometimes contradictory) relations;
- knows the basics in international relations’ and security studies’ theories and empirics as well as social sciences in principle
- is prepared for future studies in governance sciences


English B2

learning environment

Tallinna Ülikooli auditooriumid

Teacher's competencies

magistri- või doktorikraad

Graduation requirements


Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Benjamin Klasche, Catlyn Kirna

Course price

35 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)


Training and Conference Centre, Õpilasakadeemia, Teele Ilvest, 640 9369, teele.ilvest@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
08.02.2020 12:00-16:15 Introduction to the course and IR. The United States of America/ Overview of the course and technical details. International Relations (IR) as an academic discipline. What is IR and what are its main themes? Global order and American hegemony. Benjamin Klasche, MA M133
22.02.2020 12:00-16:15 Rising world of Asia: China and South-East Asia/ Introduction to Asian Politics. Different processes and countries in Asia. Rise and problems of China. South-East Asia: Opportunities and threats. Michael Nzeadi M133
14.03.2020 12:00-16:15 Migration and population worries: Central America and Europe/ Why do people migrate? Which role does globalization play? Basics of the European Migrant Crisis. US-Mexico Border. Benjamin Klasche, MA M133
04.04.2020 12:00-16:15 Distant worlds: Africa and Pacific islands / Learning about Africa What goes on in the Pacific islands? Politics of Exclusion: Revisiting the forgotten parts of the world. Michael Nzeadi M133
25.04.2020 12:00-16:15 Russia, Europe, and Estonia in the middle/ Looking at Estonia’s biggest security and cooperation partners and topics. What goes on in Europe? Russia’s influence Catlyn Kirna, MA M133