AYC0332/1 - U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changing World

Registering has ended!


18.02.2023 - 06.05.2023

Registration deadline



Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt. 29


52 academic hours (contact study 20 hours, independent study 32 hours)

brief description

Kursus on gümnasistidele ning kutsekoolis õppijatele, inglise keeles.
As the world changes the role of the United States remains as important as ever. Come and learn how U.S. foreign policy is made and what the changing world will mean for the future of the United States

Target group

Gümnaasiumi ja kutsekooli ealised õpilased


To understand how US foreign policy is made and to learn about the major events in US foreign relations.


This course would provide both an overview and an analytical understanding of US foreign policy. The overview of US foreign policy would be from 1776 to the present day. The analytical aspect would be looking at the inputs involved in forming US foreign policy and the grand strategies available to the US at the end of the cold war.

Learning outcomes

The graduate of the course understands how US foreign policy is made


Belong to the target group. The course will be in English and the student needs to speak English at least in B2 level. Written assignments can be submitted in Estonian or English.

learning environment

Ülikooli auditoorium ja Moodle õpikeskkond

Teacher's competencies


Graduation requirements

Lectures, discussions. Students will need to complete the assigned readings before class. A final paper will be submitted 2 weeks after the final lecture. In addition a reading journal will need to be submitted on the last day of class.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Matthew Crandall, TLÜ rahvusvaheliste suhete dotsent

Course price

40 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Koolitus toimub HTMi toel ja selle põhikulud kaetakse ministeeriumi toetusest.


Training and Conference Centre, Kaia Ljaš, 6409369, kaia.ljash@tlu.ee
School of Governance, Law and Society, Matthew Crandall, 6199590, matthew.crandall@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
18.02.2023 11:00-15:00 US political system. Introduction to the course and to the U.S. political system. US presidential elections will be covered. Theories of understanding U.S. foreign policy will also be covered Matthew Crandall S412
04.03.2023 11:00-15:00 Presidential Power, the role of Congress, bureaucracies in US Foreign Policy. This lecture will cover how the role of the executive branch in U.S. foreign policy making. The role of Congress in foreign policy making will also be covered. The impact of federal bureaucracies will be discussed. Matthew Crandall S240
18.03.2023 11:00-15:00 U.S. foreign policy 1776-1990. This lecture will cover the earlier years of U.S. foreig policy and continue through the WWII era and the Cold War eras Matthew Crandall S412
01.04.2023 11:00-15:00 Grand strategy in U.S. foreign policy. This lecture will discuss Grand Strategy in U.S. foreign policy. The movie Thirteen Days will be shown. The film depicts the Cuban Missile Crisis and how U.S. decision making was made. Matthew Crandall S412
15.04.2023 11:00-15:00 U.S. foreign policy today. This class will look at how the changes in the current world impact U.S. foreign policy. The foreign policies of Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations will be discussed. The impact of the war in Ukraine and the rise of China will be discusse. Matthew Crandall S412