HRC0068/2 - Ethics in Supervision

Seminar toimub projekti "TLÜ TEE ehk Tallinna Ülikool kui targa eluviisi eestvedaja" (nr 2014-2020.4.01.16-0033) tegevus D38 „Haridus-ja kasvatusteaduste doktorikool raames"


04.05.2018 - 31.05.2018


Tallinn, Narva mnt 25


13 academic hours (contact study 6 hours, independent study 7 hours)

Target group

Supervisors of doctoral dissertations, academics


To support supervisors in conceptualising doctoral supervision as an interactive process embedded in institutional practice;identifying and handling ethicial challenges that can emerge in the relationship/process.


Ethical issues in supervision; Learning environment; Institutional practices; supervision as mentoring; respoinsible research practice.
Many academics find doctoral supervision to be among the most rewarding aspects of their work. Similarly, doctoral students find supervisors' support to be the most important factor in their doctoral studies. A particular type of challenges in supervision are those that involve ethical issues. In the seminar we identify what are ethical issues in supervision, explore these in the light of research and cases, and identify ways in which to prevent and solve these issues. Focus of the seminar is primarily on the supervision relationship and supervision practices, not on research ethics. Relevant issues and personal experience will be discussed in interactive session and small groups.

Learning outcomes

Recognising ethical issue in the context of supervision.
Identifying analytical tools for handling ethcial issues in doctoral supervision.
Idenitfying implications of ethical issues for the doctoral process and for the practices of the research community at large, including supervisor role as mentor of future generations of researchers.


Supervisors of doctoral dissertations, academics

learning environment

Tagatud on kaasaegsed, õppeprotsessi toetavad ruumid: olemas on vajalik tehnika, võimalus ruumi vastavalt vajadusele kujundada, rühmatööde tegemiseks piisavalt eraldumise võimalused jne.

Teacher's competencies

Doktorikraad, täiskasvanute koolitamise kogemus vähemalt 5 aastat, valdkonnas tegutsemise kogemus vähemalt 3 aastat. Kursuse läbiviijate valikul lähtutakse põhimõttest, et kaasatud oleks Tallinna Ülikooli kompetents, praktikud haridusmaastikult ja koolitajad, koostööpartnerid, eksperdid teistest organisatsioonidest.

Graduation requirements

Suggested reading:
- Löfström, E. & Pyhältö, K. (2015). Ethics in the supervisory relationship: supervisor’s and doctoral students’ dilemmas in the natural and behavioural sciences. Studies in Higher Education, 42(4), 232-247
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, All European Academies:

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Erika Löfström, PhD; Larissa Jõgi PhD

Course price

0 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Seminari toimumist toetab Tallinna Ülikooli ASTRA projekt TLÜ TEE, mida finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond.


School of Educational Sciences, Tiina Anspal, +372 619 9702, tiina.anspal@tlu.e

Minimum number of participants