FKC0060/1 - Payatt INtransit technique

Kursus toimub kolmel päeval järjest: 7.oktoobril kell 12-13.30, 8.oktoobril kell 10-11.30 ja 9.oktoobril kell 12-13.30. NB! Payatt INtransit tehnika kursuse läbimine on eelduseks osalemaks samal päeval toimuval Rakesh Sukeshi Soolo algatamise tehnika kursusel, millele tuleb eraldi registreeruda.


07.10.2019 - 09.10.2019


Hobujaama 12, 10117 Tallinn, Eesti Tantsuagentuuri blackbox


6 academic hours (contact study 6 hours)

Target group

Varasema kogemusega kaasaegsed tantsijad, koreograafid ja tantsuõpetajad


To introduce Payatt INtransit technique. Increase the dance technical and methodological knowledge base of the participants.


Payatt INtransit is a contemporary movement technique that combines movement principles from the ancient Indian martial art form of Kalaripayattu with yogic practices and energy work to stimulate the source of energy in our body. It trains the practitioners in a safe, organic and yet rigorous way to become more confident, relaxed, flexible and powerful, training us to be quick in our reflexes, while simultaneously guiding us to cultivate a constant inner calm. The class challenges our physical and mental limits, training the physicality to be quick, energetic, while mentally we remain calm, and relaxed, undisturbed by the agitation of physicality. We learn to isolate the strong physical aspect of this class from the constant calm within, enabling us to gain complete control over the movement rather that the movement controlling us. and enhancing our ability to adapt to unexpected situations and make innovative yet efficient choices, we combine our physical energy and with the energy around us.

Learning outcomes

The participant will be able to use his or her physical resources safely, organically, effortlessly, flexibly and vigorously.
The participant can be quick in his reflexes while remaining calm inside.
The participant is able to adapt to unexpected situations by making innovative but effective choices while combining his or her physical energy with the surrounding.
The participant is able to apply the knowledge and skills gained through his / her own practice (dancing, teaching or choreography)


Previous experience in contemporary dance

learning environment

Tantsuõppeks sobiv ruum

Teacher's competencies

Koreograafia eriharidus

Graduation requirements

Contact learning

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tõend


Rakesh Sukesh, rahvusvahelise kogemusega koreograaf, tantsija ja tantsuõpetaja

Course price

60 EUR (participant, price includes VAT)


Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Katrin Sigijane, 6199908,
Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Kaia Ljaš, 6199908,

Minimum number of participants