AVC0020/18 - English B2. Preparation for Cambridge Assessment English: First

Kursus toimub esmaspäeviti ja neljapäeviti (16.09.-09.12.2024) kell 16.30-18.00 Tallinn Ülikoolis ruumis S-327.
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16.09.2024 - 09.12.2024

Registration deadline



Tallinn, Narva mnt. 29, S-327


104 academic hours (contact study 50 hours, independent study 54 hours)

brief description

Kursus toimub esmaspäeviti ja neljapäeviti (16.09.-09.12.2024) kell 16.30-18.00 Tallinn Ülikoolis ruumis S-327.

Target group

Keskkooli õpilased, üliõpilased, täiskasvanud õppijad


Enhancement of language skills and preparation for Cambridge English: First exam.


Daily Life. Food and drink, Restaurants, Relationships. Travel and Tourism, Festivals and Customs, Entertainment. Education, Study and learning, Careers and Jobs. Health and Fitness, Sport. The environment, The weather. Science, Technology . The Media, Celebrities. Shopping and Consumer Goods, Fashion

Language structures:
Review of tenses, Modal verbs, Adverbs of degree, Infinitive, Relative clauses, Conditional, Comparison of adjectives, Active/passive voice, Articles, Reported speech.

Practice tasks of Cambridge First:
reading, language structures, listening, writing, speaking.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course learner:
- can understand the main ideas of complex speech on concrete and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect, including technical discussions in the field of specialisation;
- can understand articles, reports and reviews in which the writers express specific points of view;
- is able to converse spontaneously and quite fluently with native speakers;
- is able to take an active part in conversation and express ideas and opinions clearly, precisely and convincingly;
- can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety of subjects related to field of interest;
- can write letters, essays, reports and papers communicating relevant information and commenting, explaining points of view;
- is able to use complex language structures.


Placement test indicating the learner’s language acquisition level in English as B2

learning environment

Tänapäevane õpikeskkond.

Teacher's competencies

Inglise keele valdamine vähemalt C1 tasemel ja arvestatav õpetamiskogemus koolis ja ülikoolis.

Graduation requirements

50 auditorial hours + 54 hours of individual work (preparation for auditorial lessons, preparation for tests, preparation for pretest).

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Ege Viil

Course price

500 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Kursuse tasu sisaldab õpikut ja töövihikut, mille maksumus on 35 eurot. Õppematerjali maksumus tuleb tasuda, kui kursusest loobutakse kursuse toimumise ajal.


Training and Conference Centre, Kerli Haas, +372 640 9360, kerli.haas@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants