HTC0048/1 - Creative culture: Innovations in Society, History, and the Human Mind

Registering has ended!


21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019

Registration deadline



Tallinn, Narva mnt 29, Tallinna Ülikooli ASTRA maja ruum A-447


52 academic hours (contact study 20 hours, independent study 32 hours)

Target group

Kultuuriteaduste ja kunstide doktorikooli liikmed (doktorandid, juhendajad), kultuuriteaduste magistrandid


The seminar has the goal of looking at processes of innovation within human societies through the angle of one of the traditions of cultural psychology—Cultural Psychology of Semiotic Dynamics, developed by Jaan Valsiner over three decades (Valsiner, 1998, 2007, 2014, 2019).


This intensive seminar invites Ph.D. and M.A. students in various fields of cultural research to discuss together with Prof. Jaan Valsiner (Centre of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University), one of the most original and influential cultural psychologists of our time, the current issues of culture, innovation and creativity. The seminar has the goal of looking at processes of innovation within human societies through the angle of one of the traditions of cultural psychology—Cultural Psychology of Semiotic Dynamics, developed by Jaan Valsiner over three decades (Valsiner, 1998, 2007, 2014, 2019). The seminar will concentrate on the ways in which everyday innovations in ordinary living in urban environments indicate both macro-social and micro-psychological potential transformations of meaning structures that become central for history in any society. The seminar includes a one-night fieldwork in the urban macro-environment of the city and discussion of the potentials of the method of flash ethnography for all participating disciplines

Learning outcomes

has implemented Cultural Psychology of Semiotic Dynamics at ones work.


Students are expected to do preparatory reading in order to participate in the discussions.

learning environment

Kontakttunnid (Tallinna Ülikoolis ruumis A447)

Teacher's competencies

Jaan Valsiner on eesti päritolu Ameerika Ühendriikide psühholoog, Hans Kiliani auhinna laureaat, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia välisliige. Oma teadusliku tegevuse alguses tegeles ta arengupsühholoogiaga ning valdavalt just ema ja lapse suhtlusmustrite analüüsiga, tänapäeval on ta aga pigem keskendunud inimese elukestvate kognitiivsete ja afektiivsete protsesside kultuurilisele organiseeritusele ning kultuuripsühholoogiale. Ta on tegelenud psühholoogia ajaloo ning psühholoogia metodoloogiaga. Samuti on tema huvialaks psühholoogia ja semiootika seosed.

1988. aastast on Jaan Valsiner Ameerika Ühendriikide kodanik. Ta oli Clarki Ülikooli psühholoogiaprofessor. 2013. aastast töötab ta Aalborgi Ülikoolis Taanis.
Professor Jaan Valsiner promoveeriti Tallinna Ülikooli audoktoriks 22. veebruaril 2008.

Graduation requirements

Preparatory reading, actively participating in whole seminar, participating in the one-night fieldwork

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Prof. Jaan Valsiner

Course price

free of charge


School of Humanities, Marie Vinter, 6409353,

Minimum number of participants