FKC0092/2 - Screenwriting for TV-Series

Antud koolitusele on oodatud eriala professionaalid. Kursus toimub nädalavahetustel kord kuus, 4-5 tundi päevas. Täpsem ajakava selgumisel.


27.02.2021 - 28.11.2021


BFM, Narva nt.27, Tallinn


208 academic hours (contact study 72 hours, independent study 136 hours)

Target group

teleseriaali arendavad stsenaristid


become familiar with the specialty of writing / developing a TV series and writing a TV series pilot and bible.


Basics and peculiarities of writing a television series. All stages of the development of the TV series.

Learning outcomes

knows the basics and peculiarities of writing a TV series, is able to develop a TV series from concept design to pilot and bible.


participation requires a basic knowledge of film script, a concept design for the series and a willingness to present the idea (in English). The Idea is a short document (1 page) that briefly describes (a) the pilot's main conflict, (b) the pilot's start and end, (c) the season's main conflict, (d) the main characters, (e) the protagonist's development card throughout the season, (f) series main theme, (g) series genre.

learning environment

ekraani ja kõlaritega auditoorium

Teacher's competencies

valdkonna tunnustatud ekspert

Graduation requirements

Workshop, individual task: writing a TV series pilot and bible, creating your own project

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Agnieszka Kruk Inez, stsenarist, toimetaja ja õppejõud
Andris Feldmanis, stsenarist
Lauri Lippmaa, stsenarist

Course price

930 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Kursuse maksumust on võimalik tasuda kahes osas


Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Katrin Sigijane, 6199908,

Minimum number of participants