AVC0004/18 - IELTS preparation course
05.03.2024 - 04.04.2024
Registration deadline
Tallinn, Narva mnt 29, S-327
44 academic hours (contact study 20 hours, independent study 24 hours)
Target group
gümnaasiumiõpilased ja üliõpilased
to prepare for IELTS test
Becoming familiar with the format and content of the IELTS test. Practising the task types of Listening. Practising the task types of Reading. Practising the task types of Writing. Prcatising the task types of Speaking. Getting essential advice on how to complete the test tasks most effectively. Making practical use of the introduced strategies.
Learning outcomes
by the end of the course the learner has become familiar with the format and content of the IELTS test, has practiced the task types of all four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) of the test, has been given essential advice on how to complete the test tasks most effectively and can make practical use of the strategies
B1 language level (CEFR) in English.
learning environment
Teacher's competencies
nõutaval tasemel kvalifikatsioon inglise keele õpetamiseks
Graduation requirements
20 auditorial hours + 24 hours of individual work (preparation for auditorial lessons, individual practice of the task types of the four IELTS components)
Document issued upon course completion
TLÜ tõend
Eha Mängel
Course price
230 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Kursuse hind sisaldab õpikut, interaktiivset harjutustesti ja jaotmaterjale.
Training and Conference Centre, Kerli Haas, +372 640 9360, kerli.haas@tlu.ee
Minimum number of participants