DTC0067/3 - Prototyping

Koolitusele registreerides palume saata motivatsioonikiri pirje.jurgens@tlu.ee
Registering has ended!


14.12.2020 - 18.12.2020

Registration deadline



Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt 27


52 academic hours (contact study 40 hours, independent study 12 hours)

Target group

Väikeste ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete töötajad, kes puutuvad kokku toote- ja teenusearendusega. Disaini- ja arendusmeeskondade liikmed, tooteomanikud.


Acquire skills in designing, developing and evaluating prototypes.


Exploratory, experimental and evolutionary prototyping. Horizontal and vertical prototyping.
Low and high frequency prototyping. Design patterns. Empirical evaluation methods for prototyping.
Working in a group, roles in the development process.

Learning outcomes

uses prototyping methods and is able to choose the right one; uses different methods to evaluate prototypes; designs, develops and evaluates prototypes


Occupational exposure to prototyping, at least B2 proficiency in English

learning environment

Astra õppehoone tarkvaralabor, mis on loodud simuleerima tarkvaraarendajate tänapäevast töökeskkonda. Töötada saab nii oma sülearvutiga kui ka saarekestena asetsevatel laudadel olevate arvutitega, mis on varustatud tarkvaraga arenduse kõikide etappide toetamiseks. Tarkvaralabori paigutus toetab meeskonnatööd.

Teacher's competencies

Vladimir Tomberg, interaktsioonidisaini dotsent

Graduation requirements

Learning takes place in a hands-on workshop format. Independently participants test different prototyping techniques. The assessment is based on a groupwork prototype and defence.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Vladimir Tomberg

Course price

free of charge

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
14.12.2020 11:00-18:00 Vladimir Tomberg ZOOM
15.12.2020 11:00-18:00 Vladimir Tomberg ZOOM
16.12.2020 11:00-18:00 Vladimir Tomberg ZOOM
17.12.2020 11:00-18:00 Vladimir Tomberg ZOOM
18.12.2020 11:00-18:00 Vladimir Tomberg ZOOM