HRC0473/2 - Theory and Practice of Comparative Youth Policies ("International Youth Policy and Youth Work Management" module of training)

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30.01.2023 - 18.06.2023

Registration deadline



Zoom Video Communications platform


156 academic hours (contact study 40 hours, independent study 116 hours)

Target group

youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, youth policy makers, youth field managers, youth researchers, youth service providers and anyone with an interest in youth work and youth policy


Get an overview of youth policy and different youth work approaches in different countries. Analyse development and influencers of Estonian youth policy. Analyse youth work and youth policy challenges in modern society.


Youth work and youth policy development in the historical context. The fundamentals of the formulation of the strategies in the field of youth. Developments and influencers of Estonian youth policy. Formation principles of youth field strategies. A parallel between the various countries' experiences and challenges in youth work and youth policy development.

Learning outcomes

knows the youth policy generalisations and diversity based on the example of different countries; analyses influencers and development of Estonian youth policy; knows the basics of compiling development strategies arising from the challenges of the field of youth; is able to relate historical development of youth work to the contemporary context.


advanced English

learning environment

Modern premises supporting the study process are provided: there is the necessary equipment, the possibility to design the room according to the need, sufficient opportunities for group work, etc

Teacher's competencies

At least Master Degree, adult training experience, at least 5 years of experience in education.

Graduation requirements

Assignements (essay and / or research) on a given topic. Independent reading of literature.

Document issued upon course completion

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Tanja Dibou, PhD, Ilona-Evelyn Rannala, PhD, Lasse Siurala, PhD

Course price

590 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)


School of Educational Sciences, Julia Reinman, 56982777,

Minimum number of participants