HRC0474/2 - Intercultural Dialogue and Youth Work in a Multicultural Environment ("International Youth Policy and Youth Work Management" module of training)

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30.01.2023 - 18.06.2023

Registration deadline



Zoom Video Communications platform


78 academic hours (contact study 26 hours, independent study 52 hours)

Target group

youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, youth policy makers, youth field managers, youth researchers, youth service providers and anyone with an interest in youth work and youth policy


the formation of broad-based knowledge of various cultural spaces in the world, and for applying this knowledge in analyzing of specific problems; to gain knowledge of multi-layered and multi-cultural, fast-changing world; create preconditions for relations with representatives of different cultural spaces, to develop the ability to be culturally sensitive; to give an overview of basic areas of multicultural youth work to provide students with basic knowledge and skills needed for the youth work in multicultural environment
- develop knowledge and skills for using methods of multicultural youth work


The multi-cultural and rapidly changing world. In this world, one of the most important skill is how to change and evolve themselves, but still to stay recognizable as myself. Cross-cultural peculiarities and nuances, how to note and use them in the youth work. An introductory overview of youth work in multicultural environment: what is multicultural environment, what kind of relations affect multicultural environment, what should be taken into account in the process of organizing multicultural youth work, how to ensure success of joint activities.

Learning outcomes

have obtained the knowledge on multiplicity of cultures and know how to orientate in today's multicultural world; knows the specificities of different cultures in the world, their trends; acknowledge the diversity of values; are able to use terminology and definitions needed for intercultural dialogue; have obtained knowledge and skills needed for the youth work in the multicultural environment; know how to use the methods of multicultural youth work.


advanced English

learning environment

Modern premises supporting the study process are provided: there is the necessary equipment, the possibility to design the room according to the need, sufficient opportunities for group work, etc.

Teacher's competencies

At least Master Degree, adult training experience, at least 5 years of experience in education.

Graduation requirements

Independent work: Mini group research work about culture and presentation of results in the class (25%). Seminars, study visitinteractive tasks 30% of the final grade. Familiarization with the lecturer's suggested material on cultural diversity and active participation in seminars and study visits. Exam 50%. The instructions will be introduced during the lectures.

Document issued upon course completion

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Tanja Dibou, PhD, Ilona-Evelyn Rannala, PhD, Lasse Siurala, PhD

Course price

590 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)


School of Educational Sciences, Julia Reinman, 56982777,

Minimum number of participants