FKC0086/2 - Expert Opinion in Media and Social Media

Kursusel on võimalus osaleda ka veebi vahendusel.


19.11.2020 - 20.11.2020


BFM, Narva nt.27, Tallinn


14 academic hours (contact study 6 hours, independent study 8 hours)

Target group

Eksperdid eri elualadelt, kellel on vaja mitteekspertidest avalikkusega kirjalikult suhelda


Training in expert writing skills for media and social media


Practical workshop is meant for experts who have a need to express their knowledge to broader public in a comprehensible form, focussing broader non-expert auditorium, media or social media platforms. Practical workshop helps experts in communicating new knowledge, research results, new regulations, commenting or refuting wrong argument or misunderstanding spread in media content. Practical workshop consists of supervisors short introduction to what is a clear statement, argumentation, counterstatement and how to defend one's original statement, how to make a conclusion and end an opinion story.

Learning outcomes

Improvement of skills in expressing expert opinion to broader public


Laptop or other device for writing on the spot, suggested availability of own social media accounts

learning environment

Esitlustehnikaga klassiruum

Teacher's competencies

vähemalt MA ajakirjandus või kommunikatsioon

Graduation requirements

Participants with expert background excercise expressing their opinion in different written formats (opinion, comeback, Twitter and Facebook posts): how to make a clear statement, in longer formats also how to present arguments, defend one's statement against counter-statements and counter-arguments, how to conclude one's opinion story. After practical workshop the participants will prepare as individual homework their opinion story on an agreed theme in 4 different forms based on the same statement: an opinion story, a comeback, Twitter and Facebook posts, send them to supervisor on an agreed deadline and obtain feedback to their work from the supervisor.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Barbi Pilvre, Ph.D ajakirjandus, BFMi dotsent

Course price

180 EUR (participant, price includes VAT)


Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Katrin Sigijane, 6199908,

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
19.11.2020 14:00-16:15 Barbi Pilvre, BFM
20.11.2020 14:00-16:15 Barbi Pilvre, BFM