DTC0065/1 - Gamification in Enterpreneurship

Registering has ended!


28.09.2020 - 02.10.2020

Registration deadline



Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt 27, Astra hoone


40 academic hours (contact study 40 hours)

Target group

ettevõtte töötajad, kelle põhitegevus ei ole mängude loomine, kuid on huvitatud mänguelementide rakendamisest oma mittemängulises keskkonnas.


To gain skills and knowledge to develop attitudes towards the use of gaming and game elements to achieve the company's business goals.


Mapping participants' backgrounds and interests. The nature and process of gaming. Examples of gaming. Generating ideas. Defining gaming goals. Target group analysis. Planning playful challenges. Planning intrinsic motivators. Designing external motivators. Feedback and planning progress. Design of entertainment elements. Designing other game elements. Prototype development. Presenting the and testing the prototype.

Learning outcomes

Participants apply gaming and game elements in their field.


Interest and need to use game elements and gaming in your field. At least B2 level English language skills

learning environment

Digitehnoloogiate instituut, Astra õppehoone, tarkvaralabor. Tarkvaralabor on loodud simuleerima tarkvaraarendajate kaasaegset töökeskkonda. Töötada saab nii oma sülearvutiga kui saarekestena asetsevatel laudadel olevate arvutitega, mis on varustatud tarkvaraga arenduse kõikide etappide toetamiseks. Tarkvaralabori paigutus toetab meeskonnatööd.

Teacher's competencies

Magistrikraad või eelnev töökogemus mängustamise valdkonnas vähemalt 3 aastat

Graduation requirements

Learning takes place using project based learning method. A prototype for using game elements in business will be created. Participating in lectures and practical work at least 80%

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Martin Sillaots

Course price

free of charge


School of Digital Technologies, Pirje Jürgens, 6409428, pirje.jurgens@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
28.09.2020 10:00-17:00 A-406
29.09.2020 10:00-17:00 A-406
30.09.2020 10:00-17:00 A-406
01.10.2020 09:00-16:00 A-006
02.10.2020 10:00-17:00 A-303