HRC0231/1 - Motivational Interviewing in Schools: Helping Adolescents Grow and Change

Koolitust rahastab Euroopa Sotsiaalfond ja Eesti riik.
Number of participants is full!


18.09.2019 - 24.09.2019


Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt 25


8 academic hours (contact study 8 hours)

Target group

haridusvaldkonna spetsialistid sh õpetajad, haridusjuhid, koolipsühholoogid, eripedagoogid, sotsiaalpedagoogid jm.


To support the growth of understanding about Motivational Interviewing as a method of supportive communication with adolescents in school context.


Educators want to help their adolescent students succeed, and very often they do! However, despite our best efforts, many adolescents remain “stuck”, either with schoolwork, with their friends, or in other parts of their lives. Educators who work with adolescents sometimes get frustrated, which can lead to unhelpful labels for students (“lazy”) or even into conflict. How we as educators communicate with adolescents is a key to their successful growth. For decades, Motivational Interviewing (MI) has been an effective approach for a variety of problems, such as addictions and weight loss. Recent research has shown that educators trained in MI can increase motivation for growth and change in students. This introductory workshop will provide learners with an overview of MI with a focus on the application of MI with adolescents in the school context.

Learning outcomes

learn about the origins and theoretical foundations for MI in educational contexts; understand the concept of ambivalence about changing old habits and behaviors; discover how MI can increase the effectiveness of educator communication with to adolescents and their parents/guardians; identify “traps” to avoid in communication, which inadvertently lead to increased resistance with students resistant to modifying ineffective academic behaviors (e.g., poor study habits; lack of effective executive functioning skills; poor communication with teachers; not taking advantage of teacher and tutor support; low self-discipline).


Understanding of the fundamentals of the Motivational Interview Method is a prerequisite for participating in the second seminar day. Those with no exposure will be offered the opportunity to attend the first day of the seminar, which will introduce the basics of Motivational Interviewing.

learning environment

Tagatud on tänapäevased, õppeprotsessi toetavad ruumid: olemas on vajalik tehnika, võimalus ruumi vastavalt vajadusele kujundada, rühmatööde tegemiseks piisavalt eraldumise võimalused jne.

Teacher's competencies

Magistrikraad, täiskasvanute koolitamise kogemus vähemalt 5 aastat, valdkonnas tegutsemise kogemus vähemalt 3 aastat. Kursuse läbiviijate valikul lähtutakse põhimõttest, et kaasatud oleks Tallinna Ülikooli kompetents, praktikud haridusmaastikult ja koolitajad, koostööpartnerid, eksperdid teistest organisatsioonidest.

Graduation requirements

2 seminar days (Day 1 is Estonian, Day 2 is English)

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tõend


MA Elina Malleus, PhD Sebastian Kaplan

Course price

0 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Koolitust rahastab Euroopa Sotsiaalfond ja Eesti riik. Koolituse väärtus on 140 ning osalemine on sihtgruppi kuulujale tasuta. Koolituse katkestamisel on täiendusõppe pakkujal õigus nõuda leppetrahvi kogumaksumuse ulatuses.


School of Educational Sciences, Riina Stahl, 6199 774,

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
18.09.2019 14:00-17:30 Motiveeriva Intervjueerimise põhialused ja kasutusvõimalused koolis (eesti keeles) Elina Malleus T-415
24.09.2019 10:00-13:30 00 Motiveeriv Intervjueerimine vestlustes noorukitega (inglise keeles) Sebastian Kaplan T-412