KUC0067/1 - Research Methodology

Teine osavõtuüleskutse: 01.04.2015. Kinnitus osalemise osas saadetakse 20.04.2015. Info eesti keeles KUI MO veebis: www.tlu.ee/et/kunstide-instituut/muusika-osakond/syndmused/REMEC-Uurimise-metodoloogia-kursus Info in English: www.tlu.ee/en/institute-of-fine-arts/Department-of-Music/REMEC-Research-Methodology-Course
Registering has ended!


05.05.2015 - 07.05.2015

Registration deadline



Tallinna Ülikool, Mare maja


104 academic hours (contact study 14 hours, independent study 90 hours)

Target group

TLÜ ja teiste Eesti ülikoolide doktorandid (ja magistrandid), EuNetMERYC liikmed


This course is directed to doctoral students as well as to EuNet MERYC members who are interested in advancing their current research projects and ideas concerning musical worlds as cultural phenomena. It aims to provide support towards achieving publishable articles.


Introductions to some general directions on methodology and on analytical techniques are given. In addition, starting with the individual draft of ideas and plans, participants will be guided and offered tailored scientific techniques and methodologies to make steps towards gaining new knowledge and drafting an article to be published in a peer reviewed journal.

Learning outcomes

Article to be published in a peer reviewed journal. The Department of Music issued CFMAE: The Changing Face of Music and Art Education Journal offers a special issue for this occasion.


Research topic, idea of practical context selected for study/research

Graduation requirements

Each applicant for the Research Methodology Course (REMEC) writes 500 to 1000 words about the current research ideas (or practitioner approach), questions, plans, and biobliography, including expectations and personal goals concerning this course. This text should be submitted to cfmae.journal@gmail.com by March 1, 2015. Confirmation of participation will be given by March 20, 2015.

Study work for 4 ECTS includes some reading tasks prior to the course. After the confirmation, the lecturers will propose some articles or chapters to each of the participants that relate to the individual topics as described in the application text. Participants are instructed to connect their topics with the suggested literature.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tõend


Prof. Dr. Jaan Valsiner (kultuuripsühholoogia), Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborgi Ülikool, Taani

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Stadler Elmer (arengupsühholoogia, muusikapsühholoogia), Zürichi Ülikool,Šveits

Prof. Dr. Jaan Valsiner (Cultural Psychology), Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Stadler Elmer (Developmental Psychology, Music Psychology), Zürich University, Switzerland

Course price

95 EUR (participant, price includes VAT)


Institute of Fine Arts, Gerhard Lock, 0037256674978, gerhard.lock@tlu.ee
Institute of Educational Sciences, Jarmo Karing, 003726199774, jarmo.karing@tlu.ee


time topic teacher + facility room
05.05.2015 12:00-13:30 Jaan Valsiner
05.05.2015 13:45-15:15 Stefanie Stadler Elmer
05.05.2015 15:30-17:00 Stefanie Stadler Elmer
06.05.2015 13:30-15:00 Stefanie Stadler Elmer
06.05.2015 15:30-17:00 Jaan Valsiner
07.05.2015 13:30-15:00 Jaan Valsiner
07.05.2015 15:30-16:30 Stefanie Stadler Elmer
07.05.2015 16:30-17:00 Stefanie Stadler Elmer