AYC0308/1 - English Grammar on B2 Level

Inglise keele grammatika B2 tasemel (05.10.- 14.12.2021), teisipäeviti 16:30-18:30, Tallinna Ülikool, Narva mnt 29, ruum S-327. Kursus avatakse, kui registreerunud osalejaid on vähemalt 3.
Registering has ended!


05.10.2021 - 14.12.2021

Registration deadline



Tallinn, Narva mnt 29, S-327


64 academic hours (contact study 30 hours, independent study 34 hours)

Target group

Keskkooliõpilased, üliõpilased, täiskasvanud õppijad


to improve skills in the grammatical aspects of the English language.


Parts of a sentence. Tenses. Active vs. passive voice. The role of verbs in writing. Subject-verb agreement. Modal verbs. Types of sentences. Linking sentences and building paragraphs. Punctuation I. Determiners I.Punctuation II. Determiners II. The reported speech. Prepositions.

Learning outcomes

is able to use various grammatical forms and sentence structures in writing texts;
knows how to structure a text logically, how to link sentences and build paragraphs;
is able to express the same idea in various ways (active-passive voice, reported speech, modality);
feels more confident in using determiners and prepositions;
is familiar with the key punctuation rules in writing in English.


English B2 level.

learning environment

Tallinna Ülikooli ruumid.

Teacher's competencies

Inglise keele valdamine vähemalt C1 tasemel ja arvestatav õpetamiskogemus ülikoolis.

Graduation requirements

30 auditorial hours + 34 hours of individual work. Participation in at least 75% of auditorial work, completion of home assignments.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tõend


Aita Taiger

Course price

250 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Kursuse hind sisaldab õppematerjale.


Training and Conference Centre, Kerli Haas, 6409360, kerli.haas@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants