AVC0017/3 - Spanish A1.1

Kursus toimub teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti (26.09.-19.12.2017) kell 17.30 Tallinna Ülikoolis, ruum S-327.
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26.09.2017 - 19.12.2017

Registration deadline



Tallinn, Narva mnt 29, S-327


104 academic hours (contact study 50 hours, independent study 54 hours)

Target group

Kooliõpilased, üliõpilased ja täiskasvanud õppijad.


Enhancement of language skills according to the requirements of A1 level.


Topics: phe pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet. Introducing people and oneself (formal and informal). Greetings and farewells. Numbers and the time. My family (descriptions) and my friends: physique and character. Habits and hobbies. My house: rooms and furniture. Spanish food! (recipes through the imperative tense). Lost in the city! (directions). Let´s meet! (calling by phone). Shopping! (clothes). At doctor´s (sicknesses, pains and aches, the human body). What are you going to do on holidays? (close future): plans

Learning outcomes

Can understand simple words and phrases; can communicate in simple language if the partner speaks slowly and helps; can ask and answer simple questions; can write a short and simple message (e.g. postcard with holiday greetings) or fill in forms (e.g. check-in form at hotels).



learning environment

Tänapäevane õpikeskkond ja õppevahendid.

Teacher's competencies

Tööstaaž koolis ja ülikoolis 10 aastat.

Graduation requirements

50 auditorial hours + 54 hours of individual work (preparation for language lessons and tests).

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Adrian Vallecillo Graziatti

Course price

300 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)
Väikerühm. Kursuse tasu sisaldab õppematerjale.


Training and Conference Centre, Sirle Kivihall, 640 9302, kivihall@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants