AYC0277/1 - Social Trends in Global Education

Kursus on inglise keeles
Registering has ended!


05.10.2019 - 30.11.2019

Registration deadline



Tallinna Ülikool


52 academic hours (contact study 24 hours, independent study 28 hours)

Target group

Gümnaasiumi ja kutsekooli õpilased


Create the possibility:
- To get an overview on various global educational trends.
- To get knowledge on social factors in education and lifelong/lifewide learning (incl. adult education).
- To get experience in compiling a micro level intervention project as a group work and how to present it with the aim of developing Design thinking skills and presentations skills.
- To understand the logic of change management process.

During the seminar participants will get acquainted with the School of Educational Sciences International Master’s degree programs: „Adult Education for Social Change“ and „Educational Innovation and Leadership“.


The course introduces various global trends and the various social factors that influence education and how. Different educational reports, key definitions and theories in the field of global education are introduced (eg. lifelong learning, Design thinking, adult education, community learning). The participants will co-design an intervention project as groups, which will be presented during the last meeting.

Learning outcomes

The participant:
- Knows where to find information of global trends in education and is able to illustrate the various trends by bringing examples.
- Has an overview of main key definitions in the education field and is able to connect them with social factors in society.
- Knows intervention project management logic and how it is possible to bring about change in diverse levels of education.
- Is able to design and present an intervention project in the field of education as a group.


Being part of the target group. English proficiency at least on B1 level.

learning environment

Tallinn Ülikool

Teacher's competencies

Magistrikraad, täiskasvanute koolitamise kogemus, valdkonnas tegutsemise kogemus. Kursuse läbiviijate valikul lähtutakse põhimõttest, et kaasatud oleks Tallinna Ülikooli kompetents ja praktikud / eksperdid valdkonna organisatsioonidest

Graduation requirements

The training is devided tos ix meetings. First tree meetings consentrate on getting to know different trends and strategies in education. In the second half of the programme participants devide into groups to create an intervention plan to tackle educational probleem on a micro level. During the last meeting groups will introduce thier plans, get and give feedback in order to further improve their plans.

Document issued upon course completion

TLÜ tunnistus


Reet Sillavee; Liis Raudsepp

Course price

35 EUR (participant, VAT won't be added to the price)


Training and Conference Centre, Bärbel Salumäe, Õpilasakadeemia, 640 9369, barbel.salumae@tlu.ee
School of Educational Sciences, Riina Stahl, riina.stahl@tlu.ee

Minimum number of participants



time topic teacher + facility room
05.10.2019 12:00-15:00 Trends in society that influence education. OECD, World Bank, the UN, etc. Discussions on what different reports and various statistics tell us about ways that the future will most probably look like and how to prepare formal education according to it. Finding key words and most important trends for us. T-410
12.10.2019 10:00-13:00 What is lifelong/lifewide learning, (focus on adult education in formal and non- Reet Sillavee; Adult education. formal contexts) and how it all influences social change (incl. social inequality). Discussion on social trends in lifelong learning and adult education. Finding key words and most important trends for us. T-412
19.10.2019 10:00-13:00 Using living libraries. Learning from different educational realities. Discussion on how different forecasted trends reflect in different corners of the world. Formulating interest based project groups with mentors from the two study program students according to interest. Introduction to Design thinking (process for creative problem solving) and the “understanding” phase. T-410
02.11.2019 10:00-13:00 Deeper introduction to Design thinking. Working on the idea in the project groups using Design Thinking (the “exploration” phase). T-410
16.11.2019 10:00-13:00 Working on the formulated concrete idea in the project groups using Design thinking (the “materializing” phase). Finalizing the project. T-410
30.11.2019 10:00-13:00 Group presentations for the Design thinking projects. T-410